Compassionate dietitian services for a peaceful relationship with food, mind & body.
You dream of a life where thoughts of food and body no longer consume every waking moment, eating feels joyful & easy, & you are finally free to live the truest expression of yourself…
but no matter how much money, time or energy you spend trying to get there, you still. feel. stuck.
& it’s so painful.
We are so glad you found us.
Our mission is empowering people to rewrite a relationship with food that nourishes their body, mind & soul.
Nutrition therapy
We believe meeting with your dietitian should feel like therapy - a space to gently unpack the story that has formed your relationship with food & body. Once we understand the story we are enacting, we can rewrite a new one.
Nutrition therapy offers a new way of understanding food behaviours in the broader context of your life, thereby offering a portal through which you can compassionately craft the next chapter of your story.
Meet Emily
Teacher, turned accredited dietitian, credentialled eating disorder clinician, & certified intuitive eating counsellor, who realised her true passion was helping souls liberate themselves from diet culture, & enrich their lives by reconnecting with their body.